7 5 See ASSIST to determine the courses offered at California institutions which will satisfy the specific course requirements.College of Business Administration Search CSUSB Search. ] 0 Preparation Courses for Transfer Applicants Only, Introduction to Computer Systems and Applications, Introductory Business Statistics or Statistics for Everyday Life or Finite Mathematics, Early United States History or Recent United States History, Transfer Major Specific Requirements - CBA, Parent & Family Financial Aid Information, Except for "Highly Impacted" majors, CSU eligible applicants who are considered. More than a Degree AGENDA •Strategy and Resources •Accreditation and Recognition •Degree Programs •PAWs and Key Points. Admission criteria are subject to change for future admission cycles. >> 1 Asst. %PDF-1.4 obj To review the detailed major specific requirements select the major below. /D The university's College of Business and Public Administration was also listed in the 2008 edition and the 2013 edition of The Princeton Review's "Best 290 Business Schools. << Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) recipients: The Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) curriculum is used in lieu of the major specific degree requirements. �C���J�U��t�"1�0N��a��!�0 C�0t%�P�k C�a�Ð$�!I2DC4d��$a�0Ia����0 C4�#�:�§�� �d��}� 0 0 /Contents 0 In addition to General Education courses and other graduation requirements, the Business Administration major requires three sets of courses: (I) lower division core courses, (II) upper division core courses, and (III) courses to … << Search Catalog Search. << A transfer applicant is considered to be in our local admissions area if they complete 12 units at Palomar, MiraCosta or Mt. 0 /Transparency /Catalog 8 >> endobj How To Access Your Academic Requirements; Advising Tools. stream >> Upper-Division Transfer Requirements. These criteria will be used for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 Transfer admission consideration only. H�7���? Transfer applicants must declare a specific major on the application, and may not be considered Undeclared. Transfer applicants must meet minimum CSU Upper Division Transfer eligibility requirements to be considered. 2 Year Plan; 4 Year Plan ; Three Semester Success Plan - Business Administration; Three Semester Success Plan - Information Systems; Three Semester Success Plan - Economics; Degree Programs. Requirements ; Business Administration The School of Business and Public Administration (BPA) at CSU Bakersfield is YOUR local opportunity for educational excellence. Transfer Requirements By School. /Type Satisfy Your TAG Requirements. Those units include first and second semesters of English composition, and the minimum math required by your major. 3. 0 Academic Requirements. ��N":Et>����)tg� R If the applicant holds only a Bachelor’s degree: If the cumulative GPA on the Bachelor’s granting transcript has 60 or more semester units or 90 or more quarter units listed and is 2.5 or above, then the GPA is acceptable. R endobj Must have at least minimum of 60 transferable semester units (90 quarter). Below, you will find the transfer requirements for the 5 on-campus programs that we offer. It is accepted by some but not all CSU campuses. [ Completion of CSU … BE Major Option Descriptions; BE Minor … The Bachelor's in Business Administration is a 3-year programme. Then the Business Administration programme at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam might be for you. To qualify for TAG, you need to complete a minimum of 30 UC-transferrable units at your community college. BE AWARE:  For Spring term admission, coursework and unit minimums must be completed no later than the prior Summer term. California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino CA 92407 +1 (909) 537-5000 Cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all transferable units attempted; 2. /S R % ���� 0 Earning a degree in Business Administration is an investment in your future. But all initial acceptances sent are conditional and final admissions decisions are only made after receipt of applicants' final college transcripts listing grades for any courses in progress. << In good standing at the last college or university attended; and. These criteria will be used for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 Transfer admission consideration only. 10 << >> Complete a minimum of 49 semester units in general education distributed in the manner outlined in the section titled General Education Program. 4 Apply now Deadline: 15 January. How will students be considered for admission? See ASSIST to determine the courses offered at California institutions which will satisfy the specific course requirements.College of Business Administration. Transfer Requirements At East Bay, we will make initial admissions decisions based on the information students originally listed when they submitted their applications. /Group /CS ". /FlateDecode Under current CSU guidelines, the cumulative GPA will be increased by 0.1 and this ‘calculated GPA’ will be applied in the ranking of applicants. endobj Claire Trevor School of the Arts. /Nums 612 2 /Resources ] In today's increasingly complex global economy, the need for well-trained business professionals is greater than ever. 792 Business Administration majors develop a base of fundamental business skills such as marketing, finance, economics, and management, and can also choose one of 6 concentrations to get industry-specific knowledge in areas such as agribusiness, accounting, technology, and more. R Admission Requirements. San Jacinto. 0 If the cumulative GPA is below 2.5, then the GPA will be calculated using the last 60 semester units or 90 quarter units. The minimum admission requirements for transfer students applying to CSUSB are 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable course work taken at a regionally … obj (�� B A - A d m i n i s t r a t i o n - I n t e r n a t i o n a l B u s i n e s s C o n c e n t r a t i o n - T r a n s f e r) /PageLabels /Annots ޤ��Λ�iEw���Z��E���h�ҭ�!�&T���;&N��*%Qj��DI��$N��$ A$ A�i� Advising Handbook; BYB Academic Success Workbook; Student Success Plans. 0 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION California State University, San Bernardino Transfer SOAR 2016. R Along with the general admission requirements for transfer students, each UCI academic unit has additional requirements, depending on your major of choice. /Outlines 0 The majority of students that got into CSUSB got an SAT score between 790 - 1000, or got accepted with an ACT composite score within the range of 16 - 20. The B.S. Business Administration (All Majors and Options). obj /Type x��Z�nEn�9�,E�rq �����G���Z$�Pb|@X��8! R /S 1 Completed at least sixty (60) transferable semester (90 quarter) units of … Bachelor of Arts - Administration - International Business Concentration Transfer Academic Roadmap Year 1: Junior Year Year Total 32 Fall Semester Terms Offered Prerequisite Courses Units Spring Semester Terms Offered Prerequisite Courses Units IST 3110 Fall & Spring IST 1110 3 FIN 3001 Fall & Spring ADMN 2100, ACCT 2120, MATH 1301 3 MGMT 3500 Fall & Spring 3 MGMT 3020 Fall & Spring 3 … The Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) curriculum is used in lieu of the major specific degree requirements. Find out your major’s specific admission requirements. The current minimum acceptable GRE score of 298 (minimum 10% on GRE Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings); or << Completed all fall admission requirements listed above by the end of the preceding spring term. << �G���CK��N�����)���2�W����^��HK�^Q�+�{E�>+^��ua�V���ԟ��ݽT��7��_`Y���._f{�Ev`�q���ٝ"�~j�v;%�j|���g��wN":�BJ.�Ǭ �J]�G�Ǭ T�DGH.-�+�P� If a major is highly impacted it will be noted next to the name of the major and additional supplemental criteria and requirements are indicated in the major specific details. We strongly encourage students to complete both the recommended and required courses as CSULB remains highly competitive in our admissions process. CSUSB can be found in San Bernardino, CA, a public college which focuses on only a select few programs offered. Must have minimum 2.00 GPA in transferable coursework. The current minimum acceptable GMAT score is 470 (with a minimum of 10% on both the GMAT Verbal and Quantitative percentile rankings). Must be in good academic standing at the last institution attended. Review Transfer Application and Admissions eligibility for details. !�TTWw�tmzv���I��ݮ���꯿�Z?�x^d�u�6J.����ٳ��+�������J��k �ޚ��U^ÃM�7�g��;�~�����N��j�"^%���(�6{�&���!ZG�]��fY�3AÚx8k@W�t���t#�p�^8 �1b��ن�t�>���o� ����:I���HbN���6N��[���Z'AS8%�Jb���))��E�k�Ex*��"x*���4O��y*I�UI;^��OZ�E^U�$/M.�6���7eQo8/�&�R�����¶��z�K�2��e]���ҭ�ʺ�pVM$��6"TWr�����@E�Ӧr�_�����D��+΅ Around 18,000 students are enrolled at California State University-San Bernardino. Support Coordinator rosie.manley@csusb.edu Adriana Kazanjian, Exec. Admission criteria are subject to change for future admission cycles. >> /Parent /Pages All transfer students must declare a major when submitting their application. It is open to all qualified students regardless of undergraduate major. Admission to all majors at CSULB is competitive as CSULB continues to have more qualified applicants than available new student spaces. Some majors require more than 120 semester units, particularly those with integrated teaching tracks. Admission determination is then based on the major-specific criteria listed. The Associate in Science in Business Administration for Transfer Degree is intended for students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or a related major in the California State University (CSU) system. Admissions; Academics; Library; Athletics; Campus Life; About Us; 2020-21 Catalog . Generally, applicants will qualify for consideration as upper-division transfer admission if they meet all of the following requirements: 1. /Page 7 3 /JavaScript R >> /St The program is designed to prepare promising students for positions of increasing responsibility and leadership through education in the broad scope of business. to the Dean akazanjian@csusb.edu Business and Public Administration Events, News & Announcements Catalog Home; Catalog Contents; Colleges, Schools, and Departments; Programs A-Z; Courses A-Z; Home / Degrees and Programs A-Z; Catalog Navigation. With the recommended transfer preparation, admitted students will complete these remaining courses at USC: ECON 351 and ECON 352; WRIT 340 (GE) Requirements; Business Core classes and three, upper-division, Marshall electives; Please be aware that all business core and elective courses must be taken in … /Names /Title Menu. Students admitted to the major who have not completed the additional recommended transfer requirements or the additional CSULB requirements must complete them in their first year at CSULB. Required General Education courses not covered by major preparation courses: Additional Recommended Students who report they have completed, or plan to complete, their CSU eligibility and/or the minimum major preparation requirements, but fail to do so, may have their offer of admissions withdrawn. Learn what other criteria you need to meet below. To be considered for admission to the major, applicants must demonstrate the following: Calculus for Business or higher (equivalent to MATH 122 - Calculus I or Math 119A Survey of Calculus  I). For transfer requirements for our fully online program, please visit the UF Online Business Program. Minimum lower division preparation (Grade C or better required). obj 0 /Filter San Bernardino has a minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) for transfer admission. 0 The mission of the Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration (CBPA) is to offer a high-quality master's level education. Other CSU eligible applicants who have met the major specific minimum cumulative GPA and the minimum required lower division preparation will be admitted on a space available basis based on their cumulative GPA and the additional preparation courses completed if specified in the criteria. Complete a minimum of 120 semester units of baccalaureate level credit. We strongly encourage students to complete both the recommended and required courses as CSULB remains highly competitive in our admissions process. If space is available after all students meeting the minimum major GPA and preparation have been accommodated, then CSU eligible students without the minimum major preparation will be considered. Explore the broad field of international business. lxQ�=���;ΫRw�s޴h�ؓě�8A��/����ߥ((��G�%h(!��G����\��}T��;Qy2J�J'^ 1 0 /MediaBox /Creator (�� G o o g l e S h e e t s) 9 Students admitted to the major who have not completed the additional recommended transfer requirements or the additional CSULB requirements must complete them in their first year at CSULB. >> 0 Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in pre-business core (see below) Individual pre-business core courses must be completed with a C or better. R /DeviceRGB Master of Business Administration Online Program COVID-19 / Coronavirus Information Stay Informed Resources for Virtual Learning, Teaching, and Working CSUSB’s Fall 2020 Plan Page Menu 6 Every school has its rules. The business and entrepreneurship programs are nationally recognized, as evidenced by CSUSB's 2006 ranking of fourth in the United States for graduate entrepreneur programs. << Transfer Admission. 0 [ Applicants cannot select an alternate major. Search CSUSB Search. degree requires a total of 120 units. The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program, provides post-baccalaureate students with a high-quality master-level education in the field of business administration. >> /Length Courses completed in summer will not be considered for fall admission Local Admission Area Applicants. Completion of 24 semester units of pre-business core courses prior to admission. Thank you for your interest in transferring to the Heavener School of Business at the University of Florida. 30 of the 60 semester units (45 quarter), must be in General Education. Visit the online Open House Send me the online brochure. �Cif[D$ A$ I�$ I�!I�!I�$ I�$ ER$ E��V��>A����&�������Ev�S��=EX?Yse�;,!��.r�i�hX�� ���6n!�. Please see the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) for a complete list of requirements and additional information on how the ADT will be used in the competitive ranking process. The degree program has three options, we invite you to explore each of these options to see which program … , depending on your major of choice education program find the transfer requirements for transfer ( ADT ) is... Requirements at East Bay, we will make initial admissions decisions based on major-specific! They submitted their applications requirements for the 5 on-campus programs that we offer 60 semester units 45... When they submitted their applications eligibility requirements to be considered Undeclared minimum CSU Upper Division transfer eligibility requirements be! 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