This is something I've wanted to try for a long time but it sounded to tricky. Some of you are no doubt throwing away a very valuable asset when you trim the fat from your meat. Leftover pieces of rendered pork may be lightly salted and eaten as is, or used later for making Cracklin Bread. I usually leave my cooling lard sitting on an oven mit on my counter. You are what you eat...Better fed hogs make better meat AND better lard. Many will give you all the fat you can use free and will grind it for you. Rendering your own leaf lard is much cheaper than buying it already rendered. Great idea, right? And, Thank you for these instructions. Reviews . Rendering lard couldn't be easier and the result is a beautifully white and clean lard you can use for your cooking and baking needs! Just read your posts on canola oil. I know plenty of professional chefs, including a couple of pastry chefs that wouldn’t make several of their favorite dishes without lard. My personal reason for rendering my own lard is because it is simply difficult to find a high quality lard on the market. I’d suggest you give a call to some of your butchers in town and ask what they do with their pork fat. No more. Kellene, do you prefer lard over coconut oil in some instances, or vice versa? Then pour some hot Rendered Lard over the it making sure that that you completely cover the meat and have at least an inch of clear lard. I keep one jar at room temperature for easy access and store the rest in the freezer. {the same kettle would also be employed to cook scrapple, apple butter, etc.). This content may be printed for personal use only. The more fat I have in there, the more fat I can ruin at a moment’s notice. Rendering lard in a crock pot vs. stovetop (and water method vs. no water) There are a several methods that you can use to render the lard. You home-canned lard will last for years and years so long as you store it in a cool, dry place. This part of the pig is unpleasantly odorous and darker in color—just not appealing in any way, shape or form UNLESS you’ve freshly butchered the pig from which the caul and fat round originate AND have thoroughly washed with no chance of the innards polluting them. You’ll be left with a pile of cracklings. And talk about saving money!!! This will remove any small bits of chicken that could contaminate your fat and make it go bad. What do know about peanut oil? In a space underneath the shelves, which had been boarded over (ostensibly to keep the area cooler) they found two crocks of lard. Try getting BUTTER free or cheap like that! I suggest using a large a cast iron skillet that’s nicely seasoned. If you don’t plan to use it all within that length of time, freeze a portion for later. You can also use your instant pot or slow cooker on the low settings, but it will take quite some time. I would recommend cooling the lard thoroughly before storing it in the freezer. It will get a bubbly foam on the top of it, and then the bubbling with subside and what you’ll see are the cracklings that float to the top. Bon Ap | Dec 2, 2006 11:26 PM 24. I am pleased :), Submitted by Darlene on 30 September 2012 - 4:47am. Is this a liquid lard?Can you use this as biodiesel? So I prefer to keep the batches small. Mom always carefully rendered the fat for use in cooking and baking. Lard rendering is by no means an exact science. Submitted by Brenda on 30 September 2012 - 7:46pm, I grew up on a dairy farm in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. I often jokingly remake the today's children are too clean -- perhaps something that preppers might give some thought to. Cook unil done. Quick cooling produces a fine grained lard. The Daring Gourmet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Most rural areas will be similar. Pork leaf lard/kidney fat is my favourite for baking- biscuits, crackers, pie crusts. It went really well. I'm so glad you put this out their. Submitted by elindawoods on 29 February 2016 - 4:06am. Submitted by Simone on 31 October 2013 - 6:22am, Could you explain this comment. Submitted by Preparedness Pro on 6 December 2012 - 5:49pm, Just, everything I pressure can lately has been 90 minutes. Submitted by Penny on 28 September 2012 - 9:36pm. I married a city boy 25 years ago. Submitted by Preparedness Pro on 30 September 2014 - 8:09am, Submitted by Robbie Bianchi-Pray on 11 December 2014 - 1:59pm. NO portion of this article may be reposted, printed, copied, disbursed, etc. Place a fresh sage leaf on the top of your cooled lard. Submitted by Preparedness Pro on 29 September 2012 - 11:28pm. Our region has many Black bears in our well managed populations. It’s actually safer to do it in the oven but I just don’t like that particular time commitment. Lard is a popular cooking fat that is rich in vitamin D, monounsaturated fatty acids, and beneficial saturated fatty acids. No wonder we don't feel so good after having a fish fry! As I see the cracklings develop, I spoon them out of the pan because I don’t want them to burn and put an unpleasant flavor in my lard. Receive the latest recipes from The Daring Gourmet! Remove the baking sheet and pour the lard cubes in a freezer bag. In Jewish cooking, lard isn't kosher, and dairy can't be combined with certain meats, so rendered poultry fat filled a need. All you need is a bowl and a paper towel next time you make bacon. Waste not, want not. Would it be ok to use occasionally? This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. how much water do you put in the canner to last that amount of time? Submitted by Preparedness Pro on 9 November 2015 - 12:11pm, Submitted by Danelle on 29 December 2012 - 8:30am. (I know, that sounds ironic that the smelly part of the pig makes good soap, but it’s weirdly true.). I take all of the cracklings, cool them down, and then freeze them until I’m making homemade dog food, cat food, spaghetti sauce, chili or other hearty soups. And it's still going strong! Or justif I am putting it in the fridge? What happens as you reheat it during processing...does it get grainy again? I do this process in batches, never putting in more pork fat than what can be spread out in the pan and not be any deeper than ¾ to 1 inch thick. Simone the comment you are referring to I believe is in relation to the use of baking soda in the lard to whiten it and Basil being used instead of a bay leaf on top of the jar before you pressure can it. Before being subjected to the misleading marketing ploys of the USDA and their subsidized parties, lard was considered good for you. (And yes, butter is better for you than canola oil as well.) Dear Kellene & Scott, It also doesn't liquify quite the same. I wouldn't use it my dear. Next, you’ll need a heavy, large, shallow pan. Thank you for this great article!!! Submitted by Jill Pruitt on 30 September 2012 - 4:08am. What I want to know is where people find butchers. Submitted by Jill P on 29 September 2012 - 9:51pm. Fats used to be a very important multi-use commodity: cooking, candles and lamps, soap, various salves, hand lotion ( 1/2 fat-1/2 soft pine gum heals hands, diaper rash, and saddle sores, better than anything store-bought), waterproof and preserve leather, preserve wood handles on tools and sealing wood bowls and cutting boards, lubricate bullets, grease thin-scraped hides to make translucent window covering that allow light in, grease axles, wax skiis, etc. Unlike margarine and vegetable oils, your homemade lard contains no trans fat which is part of the culprit for heart disease. Today folks don't experience a germ load like farm work entailed and are less likely to tolerate anything coming from outside our "clean" environment. Tastes amazing and the fat makes it so moist and flavorful. You remarked that you don't have a meat grinder. It's good to know. The hotter it is when you do this step, the faster it will drain. Remember, you do not want to fill the pan to full because you don’t want to risk it boiling over and having a grease fire on your hands. I knew lard was good for you because no one had cholesterol or heart disease when i was a kid and we all ate lard. Submitted by Preparedness Pro on 30 September 2012 - 5:50am. Or is it like Crisco and can be put back in the pantry? Some use it in lieu of a oxygen absorber. So I need to get this right as too not waste any more. Lard should keep for about six months before going rancid. It will evaporate away during the rendering process and keep the leaf fat from burning and sticking to the bottom of your pot. We are getting ready for our first try at butchering a 300 lb pig in two days! How To Store Lard. You definitely need a pressure canner for lard. Submitted by Elizabeth on 30 September 2012 - 1:40pm. You’ll want to stir the lard very frequently WITH A WOODEN or METAL utensil to prevent any meat bits (cracklings) from burning and anything sticking to the pan. Today folks don't experience a germ load like farm work entailed and are less likely to tolerate anything coming from outside our "clean" environment. It keeps it nice and fresh and works well with the baking soda. No matter what you are using, the process is more or less the same. Submitted by Kenneth & P... on 29 September 2012 - 10:30pm. You’ll want to stir the lard as it cools in order to avoid a grainy texture. The stuff I've read about rendering says the lard becomes solid under refrigeration, if not at room temperature. It's why fast food joints have to use a perfume in their oil vats everyday so that the smell doesn't repel customers. It simply helps keep the lard smelling fresh instead of "stale". Then the crocks were moved to the coolest part of the house basement. You are the only site I've discovered on the internet that stresses getting all the water out of the lard by taking the temperature to 255 degrees. [citation needed] Rendering your own lard is a great way to make this fat even healthier.The process can be completed with either an oven, slow cooker, or stove. I like that better than trying to do it inside. Tallow And Lard Rendering Tips • The crunchy coating on top of the fat is actually a good thing. I made my first batch. Submitted by josh riley on 17 August 2013 - 10:35pm. We have had two bears given to us this year but unfortunately the larger 400 lbs. I won’t even use it to make my pet foods. Thanks for the tips! Store immediately in a freezer if possible. (Follow your manufacturer’s instructions for high altitude.). This is the leaf lard, and if rendered slowly so it doesn't scald, will yield "snow white" lard -- the most pure, odorless, and perfect for use in pastries. After much research I found out it was because when I water-rendered I wasn't getting all the water out. I followed the lead of someone who’s done more research and started keeping mine. It's not scary. This helps make the lard pure which prevents spoilage and any residual taste. What is that for? You might want to ask them as well. Water is one of the components that bacteria needs to survive and multiply, so by removing the water, we are making it safer to store. This pig fat has been used for baking and cooking purposes for years. Keep everything from your countertops to your dining room chairs germ-free. Bad lard - bad soap. Now stir in a bag of dressing or stuffing or whatever you call it in your part of the world. Once the lard has been poured into the mason jar, allow it to cool. The fire would now be near the charcoal stage which would be hollowed out in a concave roughly matching the curvature of of the bottom of the kettle so the heat emitting be dispersed in a nice even fashion. Rendering Lard is very easy if you cut the pieces of fat into the smallest pieces you can. After all it’s a rendered fat, just like lard or tallow, suitable for cooking and use in recipes. Then toss in your fat pieces. Or would the added air cause headspace issues? Pour the fat into the bowl while it’s still hot. Bosch mixers have a higher horsepower motor than most and I'm sure that's alot why it has stood up so well to the hard use I've given it. was not processed quickly enough due to the hunter not having an adequate set up for processing such a large animal, by the time the animal came to us there was a large amount of meat and fat that had gone rancid, in all half of the animal was discarded. Ingredients. Many people say that lard is shelf stable. We raised our first pigs this year and have all the lard in the freezer, ready to render. One of our best selling products is our grass-fed beef tallow, or rendered fat, otherwise known as lard.. I too am trying to render bear fat although I will not be using it to cook with I need it for a lye soap and bullet lube experiment that I’m working on. The water helps the fat to not stick to the bottom of the pan and it boils off as the lard melts. Yes, indeed. You can increase storage time for this lard by adding a 3 pound can of vegetable shortening to every 50 pounds of lard. Rendering lard is a lost art – a worthwhile technique forgotten in a fat-phobic, Lean Cuisine-centered culture. Submitted by d on 29 October 2012 - 4:05pm. Do this process singularly, batch by batch. And is it bad not to pressure can it? I’ve rendered my fair share of chicken schmaltz, tallow and lard over the years. Working with the fat at as frozen as possible (Its easier to handle this way) chop it into a 1 inch dice or smaller OR slice into strips that will fit in your meat grinder and run it through the meat … It’s so fun watching someone try to put their finger on this luscious taste of those dishes and just missing it—especially the dogs. I was wondering if it would keep very long due to bits of meat. Thanks! I just put a couple of quarts of the lard in the refrigerator and it kept fine for a year +. . You don’t want your lard to taste like pork. Nope, I've never bothered with the lard in the solar oven. Do I need to stir and cool it before canning it? Once strained, place it into an airtight glass container and store it in the fridge. Hot tip: If you use strong smelling foods such as onions, the next time you go to warm up your lard for deep frying, put a few slices of raw potato in the cooled lard as you begin heating the lard back up. Then place a warm, lid right out of the boiling water on top of your jar. Rendered lard will store well in the refrigerator for several months. Back to Stove Top-Rendered Lard. I love rendering my own lard because I can use instead of butter for many dishes and thus preserve my butter specifically for those occasions when I just have to have a creamy butter taste. I got hog fat from the market in town and rendered it in a big pan on a hot plate outside. It may be difficult to convince my family without good references. Note: I have had friends do this process in much larger batches. But this is the way Grandma always did it and I just don’t want to risk it. It may also be stored in the refrigerator with no change to flavor or texture. Do not keep the fat at room temperature. Please get your lard from local farm butchers. I have rendered and used lard forever from my own pigs. Might be a good long while! But you can make good soap from this fat. Thanks so much for educating folks on important topic. (No SPAM, we'll never sell your email - we promise!). Most lard you find at the grocery store has been hydrogenated to make it shelf stable indefinitely, which robs it of its good qualities. Why should you not heat the lard above 255? slow cooker; wooden spoon; jar funnel; fine mesh sieve, small bottle size; unbleached coffee filter; ladle; mason jars, 1/2, pint, or quart (your preference) Instructions . (depending on what you're using it for - see blog post for description), diced as finely as you can (dice it while frozen), NOTE: Use only fat from pasture-raised pigs only (see Word of Caution section in blog post), NOTE: Use this same method for beef tallow and other animal fats. Back fat has a lower meting point and a stronger flavor once rendered. Lard will keep at room temp for about 4 to 6 months as long as it … What does the sage leaf do? If you have any water remaining in your lard batch it will cause it to go rancid. The very best method for storing lard without refrigeration is a pressure canning method. The oil was then heated until the surface was dead calm. *grin*. This was a potato digging time and I thought about kettle cooking some potato chips in a cast iron kettle over an open fire, but ultimately decided not, because I feared perhaps some unknown detrimental change in chemistry could have occurred. Ours didn’t go go to waste and became dog and chicken food. I figured out awhile back that animal fat is not only tasty but tons healthier than fast food, in moderation, of course. It’s got fine holes in it so that it doesn’t create condensation. Remove the chicken, leaving the juices and veggies. I usually start this right before I’m making dinner. Beef tallow, chicken and turkey schmaltz, and lard, are some of the most common rendered fats that Americans will work with, but you can make stock and rendered fat out of pretty much any kind of meat (and bones). Growing up on the farm, we raised large flocks of ducks and geese for sale and home use. For decades it was preserved, sometimes seasoned with onion and garlic, and used as a spread on bread along with tomatoes or cucumbers. I can remember my mom canning pork tenderloin and sausage. At this point all the crackings would be removed and run through the lard press, the clear oil being returned to the kettle. the thing is , do you really pressurecan it for 100-120 minutes? Once strained, place it into an airtight glass container and store it in the fridge. Those communities always have a commercial butcher or two. The fact of the matter is, it STILL is good for you—better in fact than canola oil and even butter. How much time for pints for canning? Kellene, or anyone... have experience making lard from bear fat? Adult women then took over, ladling oil into what I would guess to be 4 gallon crocks. Submitted by judy on 6 December 2012 - 5:16am. I think probably 4 cups. Do not use ANY other type of utensil as it will melt. You can … Turn off the heat and allow the pot to cool a little. Not a good idea. And it is extremely important for all self-reliant homesteaders who raise and butcher animals to acquire the forgotten skills of rendering lard.. Urban homesteaders can get in on the action too, by bringing home a pound, or two, of fat from the butcher and rendering it in a heavy pot on the stove. How timely for me was your article on Rendering & Preserving Lard!!! Five Star Preparedness has sure you ask about their Thrive Powdered favorite. This will remove any small bits of chicken that could contaminate your fat and make it go bad. I like to partially freeze mine as they are easier to cut then. Once again, the quality of the lard makes the quality of the soap. Crystal clean white goodness, I say. Submitted by Preparedness Pro on 29 September 2012 - 2:24pm. They were wrong. It is commonly rendered through steaming, boiling or separating the insoluble fat from the water. * When you’re using lard as a substitute for shortening add a ½ cup extra flour for every ½ cup of lard you use. Or you can engage in the process the old-fashioned way… in a cast iron cauldron over an open flame outdoors. (Follow your manufact… Many cooks, seeking out local foods and forgotten traditions, have rediscovered how to render lard in their homes. Skills '' are most welcome only rendered bear fat bear fat when i water-rendered was. Oxygen absorber as the lard smelling fresh instead of `` stale '' up and put them right in. Moved to the bottom of the world firms up pretty quickly ) truly depends upon much! Is, it 's such a dark, cool pantry with a lid 2006 11:26 24! Are rendering jars seems like a prudent thing to do it in freezer. Rendered chicken fat does n't help season any new Dutch ovens any more unlike any other of... 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