In saying that though the tribe of Tūwharetoa have mana motuhake (reigning sovereignty) over their end of the region. Ngātoroirangi and his wife Kearoa were tricked by Tamatekapua to board the canoe to perform the necessary appeasement incantations to the gods prior to the canoe's departure. Owhata Church Marriage Register 1886 – 1937. An innovative data programme was established which enabled the hub to reach isolated and at-risk whānau and identify … Arawa war memorial, Rotorua. [1], The waka was completed and berthed in Whenuakura Bay while Tamatekapua, in his capacity as chief of the canoe, set about trying to find a priest for the journey. The two waka were anchored together for the initial sea tests before launching. Helpful Links. This page was last edited on 9 September 2020, at 06:55. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL by Ray Charles - Duration: 4:29. Ā kāti. Known as ‘Amowhai’ or ‘Hiki Toka’. Heoi anō, tuatahi ko te wehi ki te Atua Te tīmatanga ō te whakaaro nui, nō reira He hōnore, he korōria ki a ia He maunga rongo ki runga ki te mata o te whenua He whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata katoa Tēnā tātau … Rangiuru Street: Rangiuru was the wife of Whakaue and the mother of Tūtānekai, whose father was said to be Tūwharetoa from the Kawerau district. Tohunga haka Irirangi Tiakiawa of Te Arawa at the NZ Polynesian Festival 1981 powhiri - Duration: 8:21. If you know of any marae on this page that have a website or a Facebook. This was done by tying one end of a cord to her hair and holding the other end in his hand. Te Arawa FM, Rotorua, New Zealand. The Te Arawa confederation of Māori iwi and hapū based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas trace their ancestry from the people of this canoe. As a major in the New Zealand Militia, Te Keepa Te Rangi-pūawhe led a contingent of the Te Arawa tribe, which pursued the rebel leader Te Kooti into the Urewera region. Museum of Australia Te Papa Tongarewa. • Te Motutapu-a-Tinirau, Mokoia Island in the middle of Lake Rotorua, was a desirable location for its natural geothermal warmth. [5], Some items of note that were brought to New Zealand on the Arawa, other than the precious kūmara saved by Whakaotirangi, was a tapu kōhatu (stone) left by Ngātoroirangi on the island Te Poito o te Kupenga a Taramainuku just off the coast of Cape Colville. The iwi also maintains a cultural association with several waterways in the region, including Wai-o-ngana, Waiwakaiho, and the Waitara River in the Taranaki region. Te Āti Awa recognise Taranaki as their ancestral homeland. Rangitoto Island, off the coast of Auckland, got its name from this incident - Te Rangi-i-totongia-a-Tamatekapua- the day the blood of Tamatekapua was shed. Aotea, Aotearoa, Arahura, Te Arawa, Horouta, and so on, also recorded the canoes can navigate the region, and the associated Iwi or hap and other specific content. Heading south again, it finally came to rest at Maketu, where it was beached and stood until being burnt by Raumati of Taranaki some years later. (2002). • Landing first in the Hauraki Gulf, Te Arawa's Captain Tamatekapua was confronted by Tainui's captain Hoturoa over an alleged adultery and was left bruised and bloodied. Ko tā Te Pae Motuhake he whakahāngai i tēnei mahere ki Te Rautaki Maihi Māori, arā, kia ūkaipō anō te reo ki ngā kainga, ngā marae me ngā hapori o te waka o Te Arawa. See also. Te Arawa te Waka, Te Arawa te Iwi Te Arawa is the Waka, Te Arawa is the Iwi. The Te Arawa Fisheries Group is supported by a General Manager and staff. The Arawa canoe then continued on to New Zealand without incident, finally sighting land at Whangaparaoa where feather headdresses were foolishly cast away due to greed and due to the beauty of the pohutukawa bloom. 4 talking about this. To find marae in a different Rohe go to the Email Directories Homepage where all of the Marae Rohe listings are. Ngāti Whakaue, Te Arawa. Wāhiao, Hinemoa’s brother, was killed and the Tūhourangi people retreated to Tarawera, Ōhinemutu and areas south of Rotorua. The board of the Trust comprises elected members representing each of our 11 iwi of Ngati Makino, Ngati Pikiao, Ngati Rangiteaorere, Ngati Rangitihi, … Some 20 generations ago a great leader named Houmaitawhiti lived in the Polynesian homelands called Hawaiki. The traditional lands of the Te Arawa people are around the Rotorua lakes. The Te Arawa 2050 Vision is an initiative driven by Te Arawa, who wanted a new and united, Te Arawa Vision. He then made love to her, following this pattern over a number of nights. [4] Immediately after the calming of the seas, a shark (known as an arawa) was seen in the water. Pre-1840 contact, Holidays and events, The arts and entertainment, Disasters, Transport, Health and welfare, Decade studies, Sport, Crime and punishment, Immigration, Lifestyle, Places, The great outdoors, … Te Arawa Kapa Haka is a page for all who are interested to keep up-to-date with the happenings around kapa haka in Te Arawa. How Can We … Register now and apply for a Te Arawa 500 Tertiary Scholarship. This upset the prominent Ngāti Whakaue … One night however, he was nearly discovered in the act by Ngātoroirangi, but just managed to escape. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. He Korero Purakau mo Nga Taunahanahatanga a Nga Tupuna: Place Names of the Ancestors: A Maori Oral History Atlas. Images and media for te Arawa. Regionals 2020 - Te Arawa Join Māori Television for our LIVE coverage of the 2020 Te Arawa Senior Kapa Haka Regionals as the top teams from Te Arawa battle it out for their chance to represent their rohe at Te Matatini Herenga Waka, Herenga Tangata 2021. Te Te Arawa 500 Scholarship was created with the goal of supporting 500 Te Arawa people into skilled employment by 2020. Ngātoroirangi noticed this and therefore knew that Tamatekapua had been with Kearoa. When the Te Arawa arrived at Te Ika a Māui (the North Island) the crew explored the coast from Whangaparāoa (Cape Runaway) to the inner harbours of Waitematā (Hauraki Gulf). PLEASE CLICK THE LINK TO ACCESS OUR NEW WEBSITE. The men who turned this log into a beautifully decorated canoe were Rata, Wahieroa, Ngāhue and Parata. The first Landfall of the Te Arawa Waka in Aotearoa was at Whangaparaoa north of Tamaki Makaurau, and a Mauri was left there by Ngatoroirangi for protection. Geni Project: Maori Migration - Te Arawa Waka. The seven waka were Tainui, Te Arawa, Mātaatua, Kurahaupō, Tokomaru, Aotea and Tākitimu, he said. The Te Arawa COVID-19 Response Hub was established within hours of the Alert Level 4 Lockdown being announced on 23 March, with marae, hapū, health and community organisations across Te Arawa coming together and mobilising to support whānau within the Te Arawa rohe. The final resting place of Te Arawa was at Maketu, at the mouth of the Kaituna. This is the authoritative history of Te Arawa, the iwi that occupies the Rotorua lakes district and part of the central Bay of Plenty coastline. Te Arawa Fisheries Trust manages fisheries assets on behalf of the iwi of Te Arawa. Haka Geek ... Tohunga haka Irirangi Tiakiawa of Te Arawa at the NZ Polynesian Festival 1981 powhiri - Duration: 8:21. The captain of the waka was Tamatekapua, with the legendary Ngatoroirangi as its principal tohunga (high priest). Ko te tūmanako nui whakaharahara kia tū rangatira ngā iwi, ngā hapū, ngā hapori, me ngā whānau o te waka o Te Arawa, arā: 1)Kia ūkaipō anō te reo ki ō tātau kāinga 2)Kia rere anō te reo ki ō tātau hapori 3)Kia pakari te reo o ō tātau marae 4)Kia piki te kounga o te reo ki te taumata e tika ana (ka hāngai tēnei ki te wawata ki “te reo tuku iho”) A range of activities were undertaken to collate and analyse the moemoeā and aspirations of Te Arawa whānui. Te Kotahitanga o Te Arawa is the trust which governs the Te Arawa Fisheries Group and delivers benefits to Te Arawa descendants through programmes such as its Te Arawa 500 Scholarships, Iwi Partnerships and the provision of kaimoana to tangihanga. Steedman, J.A.W. However, Tamatekapua untied the cord from Kearoa's hair and attached it to the bed instead. Further … The random tool generates 50 items and logs a batch of Waka listings. Arawa Street: Arawa Street is thought to be named after the Arawa waka but is also said to have been a tribute from Judge Fenton (who had charge of the layout of the new town) to the Arawa people. History. He started his journey on board the Tainui waka and was persuaded by his cousin Tamatekapua into sailing to Aotearoa aboard the Arawa waka.. Reed. 9.4K likes. (2000) Pukaki is the ancestral father of Ngati Whakaue, a hapu (sub-tribe) of Te Arawa of Rotorua. Nā te kāhui ā-Iwi o Te Arawa i arataki i te whanaketanga o tēnei mahere – hei taki ake mā Te Pae Motuhake mō Te Arawa. PO Box 128 Rotorua 3040. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. The canoe had been pulled up on the shore in the place which is now marked by a stone monument. Taiapa, J. Upon completion, the waka was given the name Ngā rākau kotahi puu a Atua Matua (also known as Ngā rākau maatahi puu a Atua Matua, or more simply Ngā rākau rua a Atuamatua - the two trunks of Atuamatua) in memory of Tamatekapua's grandfather Atuamatua. (1990). Kataore, mere … Additional Resources. Upon landfall, an … Captain of Te Arawa Canoe. Jealousies and fighting broke out in Maketū, where flax was being prepared by all tribes, side by side, in the rush to acquire an advantage over one another through weapons. Our … This reinforces the fact that Te Arawa is actually a political alliance of a number of hapū (sub-tribes) and iwi (tribes) that whakapapa (have genealogical ties) to those original tūpuna that first arrived here and are … Best, E. (1982). Te Arawa and its crew left Hawaiki after a conflict over food resources involving Houmaitawhiti and his sons Tamatekapua and Whakatūria against the chiefs Toi and Uenuku. Key Documents. The tribes are based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas and have a population of around 40,000. These springs are stills seen all over the area, such as around the Rotorua Lakes district, through to Tokaanu. Te Puku o Te Ika 2014 Waiata Tira - Duration: 4:26. Regionals 2020 - Te Arawa Join Māori Television for our LIVE coverage of the 2020 Te Arawa Senior Kapa Haka Regionals as the top teams from Te Arawa battle it out for their chance to represent their rohe at Te Matatini Herenga Waka, Herenga Tangata 2021. Te Hurinui Karaka-Clarke (Te Arawa/ Ngāi Tahu) joins 42 other graduands for UC’s Rotorua graduation ceremony. Site Quicklinks Culture & Society. Home; Te Arawa 500 Scholarship application Form: Important: The closing date for receipt of online applications and supporting documentation is … In this vlog. Anzac Pikia 41,748 views. He reinstated peaceful relations with the Tūhourangi group by marrying Wāhiao’s granddaughter Ngāpuia. Te Arawa tribes today include Ngāti Pikiao, Tūhourangi and Ngāti Whakaue. This stone held the mauri to protect the Arawa peoples and their descendants from evil times (Stafford, 1967, p17). NZMACI recreated part this voyage in 2012 with a project called Waka Tapu, which saw voyagers travel 10,000 nautical miles from New Zealand to Rapanui and back, using only the stars, moon, ocean swells and currents for navigation. He was furious and, in his desire to gain revenge, raised a huge whirlpool in the sea named Te korokoro-o-te-Parata ("The throat of Te Parata"). The waka was about to be lost with all on board but Ngātoroirangi eventually took pity and caused the seas to become calm (Steedman, pp 99-100). In retribution Ngātoro threatened to dest… The canoe then travelled north up the coast to the Coromandel Peninsula, where Tamatekapua first sighted the mountain Moehau, a place he was later to make home. Te Arawa, by D. M. Stafford. Lake Taupo is a taonga (treasure or something special to the person) of Ngati Tuwharetoa from the Te Arawa waka. TAMA TE KAPUA (c.A.D. Maori Religion and Mythology Part 2. These were made in legendary canoes, the best known of which are Aotea, Te Arawa, Kurahaupō, Mātaatua, Tainui, Tākitimu, and Tokomaru. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The Arawa canoe then continued on to New Zealand without incident, finally sighting land at Whangaparaoa where feather headdresses were foolishly cast away due to greed and due to the beauty of the pohutukawa bloom. Lists of Supervolcanoes: VEI-8 volcanoes and VEI-7 volcanoes; List of lakes in New Zealand; List of volcanoes in New Zealand; Taupo Volcanic Zone; References. Marae in a different Te Arawa Fisheries manages Fisheries assets on behalf of the waka was Tamatekapua, the. Images and media for Te Arawa Tangata e mihi atu nei around 40,000 ‘ Hiki ’... 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