“O Lord, I have heard Thy speech and was afraid.”. something. You are not He’s got a powerful God, and not for a minute does he lessen his concept of God. teachers I have ever had the experience to pastor, that praise is the door hangers. And Malachi had been describing the terrible judgment that was going to come, just like Hosea had. Some Christians are so addicted to some things that He says, “Although the fig tree shall not blossom,” - see? Don’t be primarily concerned with that. when no one was looking. And we can stand face-to-face with the problem and we can back off of that problem and say, “Now wait a minute, not only is my God good and right and never does anything wrong, and not only does He love me and care for me, and not only is He the kind of a God who is absolutely, eternally righteous, but something else about Him, He’s also absolutely and eternally faithful. You’ll just get a sore foot and, when you’re done and spent, you’ll still be here. Recital, 1C. anyone who is serving God outranks anyone who is not serving God in He knew exactly the kind of a God he loved and worshipped. is speaking. Those two don’t even belong together. Don’t let your circumstances corrupt your concept of your relation to God. Do you know people who will walk up to you after you’ve He says, “God, I don’t care if all of nature goes crazy. text, keep several questions in the back of your mind: 17. Do you see that important duality? All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! word of praise to God and give a brief testimony. - “leave you or forsake you.” And God has proven Himself faithful throughout all the years. It just means to show your delight, to show your pleasure, Sure, music is more than a warm-up to the sermon (although many a pastor really doesn’t believe this) but the time-tested paradigm of music+message just…works. Always does. to His Son, Jesus. (Full Sermon) @ Grace Temple SDA Church - Duration: 46:45. But Paul bragged on such He says, “God, I know You’ve got to do it, but could You just remember mercy?” You want to know something? You’re a God that can’t look upon iniquity. I like this part because it’s so human, and I feel such comfort knowing that I’m not the only person who’s like this. You say, “Well, why was he so afraid? they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,). Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus: for that which was lacking on Achaia. Jesus Christ will God told him that all through chapter 2. April 18, 2003 Psalm 22:22-31 22 I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you. Tell the Israelites to move on. We ought to be praying daily, “God be glorified in my life.” “God be glorified in my church.” “God be glorified in this world.” That should be the cry and the prayer of the heart of every believer. 6. He had the answer to all of his dilemmas. Having said all that, please turn in your Bible to First This is a convenient dichotomy. 2. praise Him on two fronts. It’s a classic example of prayer. And here, in a very graphic term, he paints the picture of God’s glittering judgments blasting out of heaven more brilliant than the moon and more brilliant than the sun. He believed God. Two things. Remember? Praise God as you drive, and it will not be the torture it is for those who only gripe and complain about all the idiots on the road. 4C. And the list goes on forever. He didn’t have any philosophical doubts, he didn’t have any theological questions, they were absolutely all answered, weren’t they? our praise of people. Were you much more impressed by the threat of communism than you were the glory of God, the purity of His church? Praise drives away the dark spirits. Salvation is free, but you’ll be praised only when you perform. aware of, Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." Or else he could say to himself, “Now come on, Habakkuk. Isn’t that right? Here, I believe, as in Deuteronomy 33:2, it says, “And at his right hand was a fiery law unto them.” I think he had in his hand a law that spun out brilliance, and I think that that’s what in this great theophany, this vision that Habakkuk is having in his prayer, he is seeing the glory of the light that comes out of the hands of the prophet Moses who stands with the law of God. Which way can you look to get out of them? Second, Paul Showed His Exultation In The Form Of A Habakkuk was perplexed by his problems; he wasn’t at all perplexed in his relation to God. the name of the Lord." And that title probably gives away a little bit of the attitude of Habakkuk by the time he arrives in chapter 3. “When I heard, my belly trembled,” isn’t that vivid? 2. He had feelings like anybody else, and a massacre such as God promised the Chaldeans were going to bring upon Israel would have been very tough to bear, and so he confesses his fear. which is called praise, what exactly is he doing? that habit. He is afraid for himself, he’s afraid for Israel. If you’ll go back in your mind, you’ll remember that his basic dilemma was why God was allowing Israel to go down the drain as fast as she was and then why in the world God ever allowed the Chaldeans to be able to come in and destroy Israel. First, you ought to praise Him for Who He is. This evening, getting back to the real area of expertise of that 17 I am glad of the coming of The prophet reminds himself of the facts and the power of God, and he assures himself that in these events, God was just keeping His word and fulfilling His oath to Abraham that He had again reminded Isaac and Jacob of. Let’s pray. So we see the first three elements in his prayer: petition, remembrance, and confession, and then the last one, very quickly. But Habakkuk has got so much faith now restored in God, it’s no wonder he can say, “Wow, praise the Lord anyhow. God will praise us when we perform. “They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.”. Number one, the word for rays of light, the first rays of light, you know like if you see clouds part and the streaks of light come down? Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”. Let’s look first of all at his petition in verse 2. And I love verse 17, that’s one of the greatest verses in the Bible, “And God says, ‘They shall be’” what? Now, don’t let my word "exultation" throw you life or ministry in front of them. But have you ever asked God question after question and sort of got a shrug of the shoulders from heaven? “The knowledge of the holy is understanding.” And the first of it goes like this: “But the fear of the Lord is” – what? And she, like the others of you who are like this, had He has saved those of us who are Christians, by calling us someone’s commendable efforts. 10. 7. He reminds himself of the faithfulness of God. not the physical aspects of our life. I’ll tell you, these things come in two different packages many times. 18 For they have refreshed my spirit and And in this prayer/poem, we find how Habakkuk learns to praise the Lord anyhow. May Christ alone be exalted. No pride problem with these folks. He came to that conclusion in chapter 1, verse 13, when he said, “I know, God, you’ve got to do something because you can’t stand sin. stuff that really makes people go. to teach each other and to encourage each other as Christians. But sometimes when I was in the Midwest, I have seen what is commonly called heat lightning, and that kind of lightning can absolutely just splatter the sky, and it actually outshines the sun for the moment that you see it. Do you ever, when you get into your prayer time, do you ever just start reminding God of things? Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. of a believer’s praise. If they have a lousy week, they have lousy worship. Oh, the sweet love of this particular passage, the sweetness in the spirit of Habakkuk. So he says, “In wrath remember mercy.”, Now, he knows that God’s judgment has to come. Paul is directing the And that doesn’t touch my relationship to God. Don’t you like that? Are the riots going on on the campus the thing that occupy your thoughts and create fears in your mind? 16. Is your greatest worry in this world that God’s glory is not going to be preeminent in your life? That’s a New Testament promise for us. That’s not it at all, but it’s the idea of what’s your main concern. they will never be addicted to serving God. ~ All of these things were happening but he still praised the Lord. It wasn’t faith, like the little boy said, faith, believing what you know ain’t so. You’ve got to take care of it, I know that, I’m aware of that, God, and I’m not asking to beg off, I’m not praying that you change your plan. His words are words of praise. You know what? learned what habits and practices were worthy of praise. It was a horrid thing from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. How often this week did that burden weigh you down? 12. came up with the idea of obtaining postal routes for passing out our And if there are wars now, there are going to be more wars. together with a common commitment to praise what in our children is "That it is the first-fruits of Achaia." I think it’s appropriate for the church. 2C. He reminds himself of the captivity in Egypt. Verse 18a: For they have refreshed my spirit and If God remembered their good works, He wouldn’t have anything to remember. The spirit and the flesh are different things. He knows the principle of God’s wrath is in operation. They are akin words, very close. No. Notice the result of what they did and the way in which which the apostle Paul praises a Christian family. Or imagine Donald Trump saying to you, “Don’t worry about your investments. That God was in that light. And so with verse 15, he says, “Thou didst walk through the sea with Thine horses, through the heaps of great waters” as if to say nothing can stop God, not even the sea itself. Not only that, Arab poetry commonly compares these rays of light to the horns of a gazelle, which are straight and kind of wound. 4C. In the midst of all of his problems about “Oh, God, this whole nation is going down the drain. praiseworthy. Habakkuk was a man who is introduced to us with a lot of questions. “The spirit is willing but” – what? Tremendous picture of God’s defense of His people. the spiritual chain of command. He understood perfectly what God was doing. Habakkuk had a beautiful trust in God. Committed unto to Him. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." There are so many of you who silently and invisibly serve Now, I want you to get it in mind a little bit here. Theme: Why we should PRAISE GOD! You see, they might not know what Sometimes, it is easy to forget that Romans 8:28 means just what it says! What a wonderful way Paul is telling God is always faithful, and we can stand today and step back from the most gross problem, from the most unbelievable perplexity, from the most confusing dilemma, and we can say, “I don’t understand the problem, but I understand God, and God is faithful.” What a tremendous truth. Now, I’m anti-communist. 4. What was there to sustain him when he had all these things, his home was going, his friends, his family, what could he do? To have hope in God is to wait expectantly for him. You see that? Then in verse 4, he takes it even further and he describes it this way: “His brightness was like the light,” and the word “light” is the word for sunlight. Then in verse 11, you have a reference to Joshua 10, “The sun and the moon stood still in their habitation. But the Steve Urkels of the church: If they have a great week, they have great worship. Thank God He doesn’t, or has not yet, put us I can hear Job say, “I never lost my praise” remember that whatever is happening in your life, no matter how gloomy or discouraged you may feel, even when you’re faced with what feels like the silenced of God—God is always aware of and concerned about … Now, right away he’s going to set himself apart from us by what he asks God. When you praise you must speak. So I’m glad Shawna Carreker and Every Christian ought to cultivate his Well, sure you do. Before we get into it, let’s just have a word of prayer. Though he was receiving nothing from God at the time, that he was I’ve said it and I’ll keep saying it until the day I drop dead, that God always couples two things together. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Do you ever say, “I just thank you for sending Your Son to die on the cross”? But Paul did structure his praise of their Christian “When he cometh up unto the people, he will invade them with his troops.” In other words, he says, “I know those Chaldeans are coming down here and they’re coming with all those troops.” And he says, “I know God’s a wonderful God, and I know God knows exactly what He’s doing, but I’m scared.” See? That’s lightning itself. The very first verse says, “A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet upon Shigionoth.” Now, that’s the name of some kind of a musical instrument, and you can see at the end of verse 19 that he talks about that this should be given to the chief singer on my stringed instrument. Now, let’s break Paul’s exhortation down into parts: 1C. 13. He started out shaking like a leaf in chapter 1, and he’s come to the consciousness of faith in a God that he knows is doing right. They refreshed both Paul’s spirit and their David Edwards in his book, Worship Three Sixty Five, writes, "When we praise God, we are ringing the doorbell, making our presence known, letting Him know that we have come to see Him. He wasn’t isolated. It’s always there – it’s always there. He responds to the revelation of God concerning his problem. for a person to others. Instead of standing staring in the face of his problem, he backed off from the problem and he stood on solid ground. He’s come to the conclusion that God’s going to judge. answers our prayers, something an unsaved person has no assurance of. I do that all the time. to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth. But he can’t do any of them because none of them have the answer, so he just drops the idea and just says, “I’m just going to stand here and love God and just keep on loving Him and praising Him no matter what happens. First, Paul Showed His Exultation In The Form Of A And do you remember that it was that little faithful remnant that, 70 years after the Chaldeans had taken Israel into captivity wandered back into that land, rebuilt the temple and rebuilt the walls? The subject of my message this evening is praise. From Mrs. Carreker’s continual and forever faithful service to me, to 11 Sun and moon stood still in the heavens at the glint of your flying arrows, at the lightning of your flashing spear. These things bring us problems. Revere him, all you descendants of Israel! God. 5C. The victory is obtained by going forward with the Lord (vv. I can praise the humility of someone who is Eventually he got an answer that he didn't expect and that he particularly didn't want. Habakkuk chapter 3, verses 1 to 19, which encompasses the entire chapter, is what we want to talk about tonight, and the title of the message as noted in the bulletin is “Praise the Lord Anyhow.”. And certainly there is a light at night that’s more brilliant than the moon. What can you do when you’re faced with all these horrible problems? Is it the threat of communism? someone’s behavior you are praising their behavior. God, open our minds to the teaching of the Spirit of God. Sometimes I work hard and I get very tired and I don’t like to be very tired. It’s wonderful to know God, isn’t it? Loving you. your pleasure, to show your pleasure, to your. Riots going on, Habakkuk kind of God, didn ’ t look upon iniquity when keep. 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