Tag: Flaxseed Farming In Kenya. Home Tags Lettuce Production In Kenya. The following information is all bout organic farming advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes... Rose Cultivation Guide: Flower Farming. Introduction to Sorghum Production:- Sorghum is one of best millet crop for food and forage (fodder for... Finger Millet Cultivation: The task of managing the small-scale holder lies with the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA). The lavender crop is grown in low rainfall areas and... Organic Farming Business Plan: It is an aromatic and medicinal grass type plant grown in parts of tropical and... Cloves Growing for Beginners: Introduction of  Saffron: Introduction: Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without... Sugarcane Cultivation Guide: The flax crop is well suited to tracts of low rainfall and is generally raised where the average annual rainfall ranges from 50 to 80 cm. The following information details about Growing Pearl Millet (Bajra). Note: Before using flax seeds, consult your physician. The plant is grown predominately on the Canadian prairies for flaxseed oil. Share Tweet Send Share. Generally, hybrid/improved commercial cultivars respond very well to fertilizers and nutrients. Usually Two to Three irrigations are sufficient to obtain good yields. All weeds should be removed and land should be levelled in such a way that excess water will drain out in case of heavy floods/rains. Manures and Fertilizers in Flaxseed Farming:- Though Flax crop is grown without any manures, supplementing the soil with organic matter will result in good yield and quality of seed (oil). Growing Date Palms: Introduction of Aloe Vera Cultivation:- As use of herbals and other medicinal plants are increasing, the demand for these kind of... Introduction: Hello friends today we go through the cost of cultivation of saffron and saffron farming business plan. Introduction to Growing Date Palms:- Date palms or Dates are one of the oldest fruit... Capsicum Cultivation Guide: Organic Farming Introduction Flaxseeds are high in antioxidants (Lignans). The requirement of manures varies from rain fed crop to irrigated crop. Poultry farming in Kenya can be done by using two methods and those are organic and inorganic. Introduction of Finger Millet Cultivation:- Finger millet is one of the important staple food crops mainly grown in Africa and India. What is drip irrigation? © Copyright 2021, AsiaFarming | All Rights Reserved. Mr. Reddy-August 21, 2016. Mushroom farming is not very old in Kenya. Introduction to Drip Irrigation: Introduction to Carnation Flower Growing:- Carnations are great winter season flowers and they can be cultivated as cut flowers especially in pots,... Soilless Farming:- Introduction to Cardamom Cultivation:- Well, what is cardamom? Introduction to Cloves Growing:- The clove is the air-dried unopened flower bud obtained from an evergreen... Lemongrass Cultivation Guide:  Introduction of Capsicum Cultivation:- Capsicum is one of the excellent vegetables and has great demand in the market. Some Secondary Schools in Kenya also making orders for fish during important school events. Introduction of Sugarcane Cultivation:- Sugarcane is a tropical and subtropical, perennial grass that forms lateral shoots at... Sorghum Production Guide: His first big money from his fish farm was Ksh. Today, we detail cotton cultivation practices, farming methods, planting methods, and harvesting techniques. Let us talk about soilless farming or  soil-less agriculture in the following write-up. Fruit Farming. Log into your account. Between the most trendy and interesting... Coconut Farming Guide: Farmers in western Kenya are ditching traditional crops like maize and tobacco in favour of sunflower farming which they claim is more profitable. The following information is all about Hydroponic Growing System. Your Email I accept the privacy policy. Introduction of Pomegranate Cultivation:- Pomegranate is a table fruit that is grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the globe. Introduction of Sunflower Cultivation:- Sunflower is one of oil seed crops grown throughout the world for various purposes. Poultry meat is an important source of proteins, minerals, and vitamins to balance the human diet. The following is all about Hibiscus Farming outdoors and indoors. First irrigation should be applied 30 days after sowing and the second just before flowering (50 days after sowing) and third is just before capsule formation (70 days after sowing). Related Posts. Introduction to Growing Marigold:- Marigold plant is an annual or perennial, mostly herbaceous plants in the sunflower family. It was even discovered in the tomb of King Tut. There are about 2000 species of roses mainly diffused in temperate... Cotton Cultivation Guide: Rose plants... Safflower Farming Guide: 21st December 2020. Subscribe to Get Post in E-mail. Introduction of Poultry Farming: Commercial catfish is gaining popularity for its rich source of healthy... Introduction: Hello readers today we are back with a great guide of Dairy Farming Plan in India.

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